paschali trainings

creating faster,smarter, more effective learning systems.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Born Reach by Bob Proctor

You Were Born Rich
(στα Ελληνικά)

Imagine landing on just one solution that catapults you to the life you've always wished you'd have, one that's abundantly rich and rewarding in every facet.

The solution exists. In fact, it exists today, this very moment - in your own mind! Every person walking this planet carries this key, but few know how to plumb the mind's depths to excavate a more rewarding life for themselves.

In "Born Rich" you will discover:

  • How your mind works and how it got that way
  • The Comfort Zone - what it is and why it is such a trap
  • Your greatest power , and how it controls how much money you have
  • The impact of your self-image and how to optimize it
  • Why the difference between what you want and what you expect is so important
  • The Law of Attraction , and how to make it work for you
  • The razor's edge difference between success and failure
  • The Vacuum Law of Prosperity and how to invoke it
This seminar has changed the lives of thousands of people around the world and can have an incredible impact on yours!

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Vocal Power

The human voice is an amazing thing. How you
use yours can make a huge difference in how
other people perceive you and respond to
you. Command your voice and you can command
an audience, a prospective employer, even a
prospective mate! In this issue of "Did You
Know," read how you can learn to use your
voice most effectively in this letter from
my friend Scott Martineau at Conscious One.

Dear friend,

Does the sound of your voice reveal the true you?

Or does it sound more like fingernails on
a chalkboard?

It doesn't matter who you are or what type
of job you have today, chances are you have
to communicate effectively one-on-one or in
groups every single day. You may even have
to make regular speeches to the public -- yikes!

Perhaps it's a presentation for a big
meeting at work or a toast at your best
friend's wedding. Or maybe you're a
professional public speaker who presents at
conferences and seminars. Does your voice
reflect the kind of person you truly are?
Whatever your desire, you need to be
prepared when the moment comes to let people
hear the true voice inside you.

Public speaking at times can cause great
anxiety for those who have not mastered it,
me included. However, there is no greater
pleasure than the sense of accomplishment
you feel when giving a great speech.

People ask me all the time, how on earth can
they learn to become a dynamic speaker, or
how can they reveal their true voice.

It's easy -- with Vocal Power, the dynamic
public speaking and vocal coaching program
by Arthur Joseph. Click here to learn more.
You'll see how many Hollywood and Broadway
stars are already clients of Arthur Joseph --
like Sean Connery, Angelina Jolie, and
even Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you
like... you can add your name to his
exclusive list.

If you're interested in improving your
public speaking skills, developing your
singing voice, or enhancing your ability to
communicate with others, then Vocal Power is
for you. Learn more about it here: